
sleepersBoards supporting rails, Standard values for Russian diagrams laying sleepers (number of sleepers on 1 km of railway track) is 1840, 2000, 1600 or 1440 sleepers / km. mainly diagram laying sleepers 1840 pcs / km on the straights, and 2000 units / km in the curves.

The standard length of wooden sleepers is 2750 mm, wood with humidity not exceeding 22%. Sleepers are available from softwood, mainly of pine. Sleepers to prevent rotting impregnated with antiseptics.

We produce 3 types of sleepers GOST (78-2004):
• wastes (sawdust 4 sides);
• half (sawdust 3 sides);
• untrimmed (sawdust two opposing sides, the other two can be partially sawn).


Name Price, sq.m/m3
Sleepers 1st type
Sleepers 2nd type